07 October, 2009

The draw-bridge and the brain...

Ive been sitting here wandering how to explain to you how my brain works. (For those of you who don't understand the, outstandingly wonderful, ADD brain/person).
And while I was sitting, thinking,
I had a picture.
Which is usually the way we, ADDers, think.
In pictures/movies inside our head.

The only way I can explain it (today) is.... here goes... you ready?

Imagine a beautiful river, boats and ships going up and down. The hustle and bustle of a busy and exciting world going on, on either side of the river. "Oh look! Theres a bridge!" Yes, its a big one, not one of those quaint stone ones you see people wandering over, in movies. Its a huge big drawer-bridge.
(A connection from the one side of the city to the other.)

I was thinking I would like to take a drive over that bridge to see the ship that is coming in to the harbor, because the harbour is on the other side of the river to which I am. Let us drive over the bridge.... oh dear, we have to wait for the bridge, its opening for the ship to go through....

Now here's where I need you to think 'laterally', OK?

Imagine the city, on either side of the river, being my brain. Now imagine the river being my thoughts.
Wonderful, flowing and spaRkLeY.
And the boats and ships etc, are these awesome ideas that come and go, up and down the river.
So, here comes a great, creative, ORIGINAL idea
(the boat I spoke about earlier)

now I want to 'explore' that idea ~ bring it to execution/fruition.
But I have to cross the bridge to do so, but I cant until the bridge is down again. But if I wait too long, another idea will come along and that one may be better than the first one and I may just need to 'explore' that one too... so what do I do?

Well, I could try and jump the bridge. If I do that, I will inevitably 'drown' in the river (thoughts/ideas), having to focus on (something new) ~ survival! And by the time I would have survived the ordeal, the ship would have left the harbour, or I would need to go home and change and then it would be late and there would be things to do at home and so I would miss out on that opportunity.

Now I can hear you saying, "just wait until the bridge lowers. Just ignore the other vessels going past!" I have an answer to that.... I do! It was on the tip of my tongue... and now its gone!!!

So, hang in there, I will get back to you. Have a stroll along the waters edge, there's a great coffee place just down there...... I will be back.

P.S. I cant seem to find the blasted spell check on this thing. So you will have to excuse my 'imperfections' ~ it doesn't happen often!


  1. Well written, very creative.

  2. Addi

    With your wonderful flowing and sparkey brain on the other side of the river generating all these ideas, it is such a waste that these ideas just disappear into the ether - just a wisp and a little puff of beautiful wind.

    Here's a way to not lose them. Keep a notebook handy, and write the ideas down as they come to mind. At the end of the day review them, revisit them often until the time is right to implement.

    You might need to find a way to remember to keep the notebook handy though...

    I love the piece and your mind!
